Digital Entrepreneurship From Batam to The World Class Level

Digital Entrepreneurship From Batam to The World Class Level

Gratis di Digital Entrepreneurship Batam

  • Pendaftaran
  • Sertifikat
  • Makan Siang

Dapatkan Doorprize Smartphone 4G, Modem 4G XL GO dan Paket Internet 56 GB

Pembicara Digital Entrepreneurship Batam

Dr. Priyono Eko Sanyoto

Direktur Politeknik Negeri Batam

Francky Rinaldo Pakpahan

Vice President PT. XL West Region

Rida K Liamsi

Chairman Jawa Pos Group

Agung Nugroho

Co Founder & Coo Kudo

Mediko Azwar

Marketing Director GRAB

Indah Nevertari

Live Performance

Tempat Pendaftaran Digital Entrepreneurship Batam

  1. Booth XL @Politeknik Negeri Batam
  2. XL Center Batam

Informasi Digital Entrepreneurship Batam

WA Yudi : 0878 9794 7774

Pendaftaran Online Digital Entrepreneurship Batam

Follow IG : @SumateraHotRod

Lokasi Acara Digital Entrepreneurship Batam

Gedung Auditorium Politeknik Negeri Batam

Hari Tanggal Digital Entrepreneurship Batam

Kamis, 01 Desember 2016

Waktu Digital Entrepreneurship Batam

08.00 WIB - selesai

Master Ceremony Digital Entrepreneurship Batam

Boris Bokir

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